On all pages and Blocks/Menu, it is possible to automatically change the Code to Static data.
For each page, this data is unique, for example, it can be the ID of the page (article, product, page).
Below is a list of basic data for Auto replacement.
{HOTENGINE-SC:current_page_id} - ID of the current page (article, page, product, news)
{HOTENGINE-SC:site_url} - Your site url (address)
{HOTENGINE-SC:lang} - Language of the opened page
{HOTENGINE-SC:site_tagline} - Site slogan
{HOTENGINE-SC:contacts} - Block with contacts
{HOTENGINE-SC:slide_menu_widget:XX} - Block with the Slide Menu widget
{HOTENGINE-SC:slider_widget:XX} - Block with Slider widget
{HOTENGINE-SC:smart_search_widget:PARAM} - Block with widget Search filter
{HOTENGINE-SC:mainmenu} - Main menu
{HOTENGINE-SC:langmenu} - language switching
{HOTENGINE-SC:user_nickname} - Username (if authorized)
{HOTENGINE-SC:user_id} - User ID (if he has performed authorization)
{HOTENGINE-SC:user_login} - User login (if he has performed authorization)
{HOTENGINE-SC:user_discount} - User discount
{HOTENGINE-SC:user_cahback} - Balance Cashback
{HOTENGINE-SC:user_group_id} - User group ID
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cart_menu} - shopping cart (Block/Menu Cart)
{HOTENGINE-SC:favorites} - link to selected products
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_compare_menu} - comparison of goods
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_image} - The path to the product image (if the product page is open)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_id} - Product ID (if the product page is open). You can also use {HOTENGINE-SC:current_page_id}
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_sku} - Product SKU (if the product page is open)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_currency} - Product currency (abbreviated) (if the product page is open)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_currency_iso} - Product currency (ISO) (if the product page is open)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_price} - Product price (if the product page is open)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_title} - Name of product
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_page_video} - Video URL (link to video)
{HOTENGINE-SC:pers_shop_cat_val_name} - Store category name (only within a category and a button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:pers_shop_cat_val_title} - Store category header title (only within the category and the button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:pers_shop_cat_val_id} - Store category ID (only within a category and a button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_producer_val_name} - Manufacturer's category name (only within a category and a button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_producer_val_id} - Manufacturer category ID (only within a category and a button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_collection_val_name} - Collection category name (only within the category and the button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_cat_collection_val_id} - Collection category ID (only inside a category and a button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:blog_cat_val_name} - The name of the article directory category (only within the category and the button in the list of subcategories)
{HOTENGINE-SC:blog_cat_val_id} - Category ID of the article directory (only in the category button)
{HOTENGINE-SC:blog_cat_page_id} - Article ID (only in the article directory)
{HOTENGINE-SC:blog_cat_page_title} - Article title (only in the article directory)
{HOTENGINE-SC:blog_cat_val_id} - Category ID of the article directory (only within the category and the button in the list of subcategories)