On all pages implemented using our service, ad units are displayed. This is an alternative payment for hosting.
The cost of disabling ads for 1 month is only 2.5$
The minimum ad blocking period is 6 months.
+ Discounts:
When paying for 1 year - 20% discount (3.2$/month).
An additional 25% discount on hosting - when ordering a website design from us, or from our partners, as well as if you already have at least one paid hosting for a year or more.
Hosting cost calculator
Как получить увеличение лимита до 1000 наименований бесплатно?
Ask 5 of your friends to post a link on Facebook about our service to the news list (public). A brief description is enough in the link, for example, “It is possible to create a website or an online store for free with many built-in functions. Hotlist.biz" or similar.
The easiest and most recommended way is to
SHARE" this post and to
Like" -
link to post. These accounts must have more than 50 friends. After posting the links, send us the addresses to these accounts, and you will receive an extension of the limit to 1000 titles for 1 year!
This procedure can be repeated once a year.