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Menu Control

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You can create a Mobile App Menu. Specify the width of the window from which the mobile menu will be activated (recommended values ​​are inserted automatically).
Select the "Icons" that you want to display in the upper block (Basket, Search, Personal Account, Contacts, etc.).
Specify the required items in the mobile menu. You can specify parent and child items, as well as Store Categories.
In the item link, you can specify values ​​with additional functions:
  • «close» - Close button;
  • empty value - Separator;
  • «filter» = The main block for selecting the type of product for the search filter;
  • «#filter» (add #filter at the end of the link) - call the search filter window;
  • «#form-XX» = popup form loading, where XX is the id of the Form;
  • «#form-call-XX» = loading the `Callback` popup form, where XX is the id of the Form;
  • «#ajax_page» (refresh at the end of #ajax_page link) = loading content from HTML link (relative path to page);

For example, to create a custom "Contacts" icon, create a page called "contacts", and including the custom icon above, specify the path "/en/contacts.htm#ajax_page" (replacing "en" with the language of the created page).

How to create a search filter for a smartphone?

Create product types. Create "Functional Menu Blocks" with search filters and specify the pages on which they need to be displayed. In the settings of the Mobile menu of the Application, specify the "ID of Blocks/Menu" containing search filters ("smart_search_menu"). If the values ​​are not specified, then the data will be specified automatically, based on the created blocks / menus with the name "smart_search_menu".
In the mobile app item settings, create an item and subitems with a special "#filter" parameter. For example, if your Search Filter is located on the page "/en/pers_shop/sneakers/", then create an item with the link "/en/pers_shop/sneakers/#filter". When you open this path, a window with a search filter will be displayed.

Besides, if a search filter exists on an open page, then after the "#hotengine-cat-tree" (Category Tree) block, the "Search filter" block will be automatically created, when clicked, the Search filter will open.

If you use pop-up forms "Callback" or "Ask a question" in the Mobile menu, then it is necessary to set the code CODE_FORM_SCRIPTS_FILE, which can be created automatically when creating «Form» or manually by pasting the code «<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/scripts/code_form_scripts.js" async></script>»

Adding a mobile menu button and activating it when the screen size changes (an alternative way to place the button).
