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Widget Generator

Articles widget

«Widget» is an interactive block with data for placement on the site. The widget can be generated using a special shortcode («ShortCode»), which may contain additional parameters.Run the «Articles Widget Generator» How to insert a generated menu?
  • 1) You can take advantage of the auto-replace code by entering [MENU:blog_page_slider:htmlonly:cat_id-0:site-0:start-0:on_page-10]

    You can use the following parameters in your code:
    • :cat_id- - category ID (only articles from this category will be displayed)
    • :site- - ID of your site, but inside your site you can not use
    • :on_page- - Number of articles displayed in the slider
    • :start- - slider start page, number from which to start browsing products. For example, if a page displays 6 articles and the starting number is 2, then articles from 6 to 12 will be displayed.
    • :description - Show short description
    • :repeat - repeat slides after the article list ends
    • :random - Show without ordering by ID
    • :one - Scroll one article only
    • :blog_id - article ID (separated by commas, no spaces)
    • :lang- - the language of the displayed articles (if not specified, the language of the open page will be used)
    • :order_by- - Sorting. 0 - by Date, 1 - By ID, 4 - By name
    • :sort_by- - Sorting. ASC - Ascending, DESC - Descending
    • :append - add new data at the end
    • :htmlonly - only a list of articles (without javscript and css styles, which you need to insert yourself beforehand).
      This option is useful if you want to create your own style for the slider. In this case, you need to insert JavaScript, CSS code, and the short code [MENU ...]
    • :id- - bind the ID to the main DIV. Can be used to customize the slider area

  • 2) You can insert the generated menu code manually. To do this, create a Block/Menu, with a position at the top or bottom, and paste the code into it, written below. You can also paste the code inside the page. All fields must be inserted.

  • Attention! If you use several menus on one page, then you do not need to re-insert Java Script and CSS style.
    By default, this JavaScript and CSS style is already embedded in the standard set of functions of your store. You can only re-insert the code if you need to change its design or functionality. You don`t need to re-insert JavaScript code and CSS style.

Ajax loading article list:
Block generator with articles can be downloaded using a GET/POST/AJAX request. To do this, you need to make a request from your site (your domain) to the page «/ajax_get_list_blog.php». You can specify additional properties for displaying articles in the request. You can find a list of all possible values ​​above. For correct display of articles, you need to add HTML wrapper and parent elements, as well as buttons for rewinding/continuing the list of articles (scrolling forward/backward). An example of such a wrapper and passing parameters is shown here - An example of loading a list of articles and passing parameters via AJAX/POST/GET.

Run the «Articles Widget Generator»
Show split code for menu
Or paste as code [MENU:blog_page_slider:cat_id-0:site-0:start-0:on_page-10]
Be sure to replace the numbers 0 - with the values ​​you want.