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Arten von Produkten und Eigenschaften

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Product types and characteristics.

Types of goods and characteristics to them are used to conveniently separate goods by their properties, as well as to create a search filter, with division by many characteristics.
Product characteristics can be grouped by product type.

To create characteristics, you first need to create a product type.
There will be different groups of characteristics for different types of products.
Create a product type, and after saving, add values ​​to the characteristics.

After that, when adding a product, you can specify its «Type» and set the characteristics.

After creating groups of characteristics, you can also create menu with search filter and division by product type.
A few examples:
    You can specify the «Weight» group and set the values ​​«10», «20», «30» kg in it.
    After that, in the search, you can sort and show products only with a weight of 20kg.

    Characteristic values ​​can be used with multiple values.
    For example, the «Color» group with several values ​​- «Gray», «Green», «Red».
    When creating products, you can specify several colors for one product.

    The types of goods can be arbitrary. For example, «Laptops», and many values ​​such as: Screen Size, Hard Drive Size, Color, Battery Life, RAM Size, and more.
    You can implement a search filter in the menu for a specific group of products while maintaining the open category when searching.
    To do this, create a Menu Function Block with the text «autopath» and indicate the product type ID, for example 123 - «autopath123». Set the symbols for displaying the menu block, for example, «/pers_shop/notebook/»

    In the product type options, you can enable the display of the number of products for each value, and, additionally, you can enable this parameter using «count» and "count_all". "count" - display the number of goods, «count_all» - display the number of products without category. "count" parameters and "count_all" specified in the block/menu - have a higher priority than the same parameters in the product type settings. Parameters can be specified by text (in the Block/Menu text).

    To save the path of an open category in the search filter, use the «autopath» parameter in the block/menu text.
    In the Product Type parameters, you can enable the display of the number of products with a characteristic specified in it, as well as hide those characteristics that are not found. In addition, these parameters can be specified in the Function Block/Menu, using the values - "count" and "hideempty" (detailed on the Create Function Block/Menu page).

    Instructions for translating one search filter into multiple languages

Product comparison

You can enable the «Compare» button in «Settings», in the «Shop» tab, «Product View/Tabs/Variety».
The compare button will be available in products that have a «Product Type» set, and also if comparison is enabled in this product type. It is necessary to enable comparison both for the type of product itself, and for the characteristics and their values ​​by checking the «Comparison» checkbox. When using the product widget, you must also enable the compare button by checking the «Add to Comparison Button» checkbox.

Depending on the type of product, when added to the comparison list, a page with a table will be available, which will display only those characteristics and their values ​​for which the comparison is included.

Products are grouped by «Product Type». If «Product Type» is not set for a product, then the compare button is not displayed.
To style the elements of the product card to which the comparison is enabled, the attribute is added «data-compare="1"» is added to the product card.

The page for viewing the products added to the comparison is «/compare.htm».
A link to the page is displayed after adding a product to the comparison, in a pop-up window, as well as in a button with a short code that can be set in the header. To display a button with the number of products added for comparison in the site header, use the short code «{HOTENGINE-SC:shop_compare_menu}».

Auto Description

When using product types and features, you can create articles and use them to add to product cards. Descriptions will be added depending on the characteristics set for the product. Auto Description.

Translation of characteristic values

You can create separate characteristics for different languages, however, to simplify site management and speed up the process of import/export of goods, you can translate the characteristic values by adding text values in other languages to them. Translation of characteristic values.
In order to pass the correct translation to XML/CSV/JSON product uploads, you must use a link with a language binding.
To send the correct translation to XML/CSV/JSON product uploads, you must use a link with a language binding. For example «/de/path_to_upload_file» or specify the language in the parameters when creating the file XML/RSS/SITEMAP/CSV.
